Music is a universal language that can bring people together, evoke emotions and stimulate the brain. It's not just a source of entertainment but a tool that can enhance children's development in numerous ways. The benefits of music education for children are endless, from cognitive and emotional to physical and social. This article explores the importance of music in children's development and why it should be crucial to every child's upbringing.


Music has a significant impact on children's brain development and cognitive abilities. It has been shown to improve their memory, language skills, and overall IQ.

Improving Memory and Language Skills

Studies have shown that musical training can improve children's memory and language skills. Children who receive musical education tend to have better verbal memory, which is essential for learning and retaining information. Furthermore, singing can also improve their language skills by helping them understand and retain new words, phrases and concepts.

Enhancing IQ

It has been shown that children who participate in musical training score higher on IQ tests compared to children who don't receive musical education. This is because music stimulates various parts of the brain, which leads to increased cognitive abilities and overall brain development. Read more here.


Music can evoke emotions in the listener and express emotions by the musician, which is just as true for children as it is for adults. It can help children express their feelings and emotions, improving their emotional well-being.

Improving Emotional Wellbeing

Music has been shown to have a calming effect on children and can help them regulate their emotions. This is especially true for children with ADHD, who often struggle with emotional regulation. Listening to music can also help children develop a positive outlook and increase their self-esteem, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life. Learn more here.

Encouraging Self-Expression

Music can also serve as a form of self-expression for children. It provides them with a platform to express their emotions and thoughts in a creative and unique way. This helps children develop a sense of individuality and self-confidence, which is crucial for their emotional and personal development. Music’s ability to empower self-expression.


Music can also enhance children's physical abilities and coordination. The physical benefits of music are numerous, from improving motor skills to enhancing rhythm. An in depth study can be found here.

Improving Motor Skills

Music can improve children's motor skills as they play musical instruments and dance to music. Playing an instrument involves the small, articulate movement of fingers and hands while your body encapsulates the overall rhythm and feel of the music. This helps students develop coordination and dexterity, essential skills for overall physical development.

Enhancing Rhythm

Rhythm is a critical component of music and can play an essential role in children's physical development. Listening to music and participating in musical activities can help children develop a sense of rhythm and timing, which is necessary for many physical activities, such as sports and dance. This is developed not only while playing songs individually but also while performing in groups and ensembles, allowing children to grow as a group.


As outlined above, music can also play a significant role in children's social development. The social benefits of music are vast, from encouraging teamwork to improving communication skills.

Encouraging Teamwork

Music often requires teamwork, especially when children play in a band or perform in a choir or ensemble. This helps children learn to work together and collaborate, which are essential skills for their social development. This opportunity of playing music together also helps children develop a sense of community and belonging, as they share a common interest and goal.

Improving Communication Skills

Music can also help children improve their communication skills. Whether it's through singing, playing an instrument or simply participating in musical activities, children learn to communicate with others in a non-verbal way. Be it the quick look between musicians to change to the next section, watching the conductor for timing or listening to the rhythm section to keep time. This helps them develop their interpersonal skills, which are crucial for building healthy relationships and communication.

In conclusion, the importance of music in children's development cannot be overstated. Music provides immeasurable benefits that can positively impact children throughout their entire life, from enhancing cognitive abilities to improving emotional well-being.

It's crucial for parents to recognise the value of music education and to provide children with opportunities to engage in musical activities, from listening to music and dancing to learning an instrument or taking part in an ensemble. By creating a positive connection with music, parents can ensure that their children have a well-rounded and fulfilling childhood, laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.


1.At what age should children start learning music?

It's never too early to start exposing children to music. Research has shown that even infants respond to music, and it can enhance their cognitive, emotional and physical development. Our Early Years Music team provide music sessions for those too young to learn an instrument, which encourage children to create a positive connections with music. Once children have started primary school we provide a range of instrumental lessons from small groups to whole class in which they can participate in learning an instrument.

2.Is it necessary for children to learn how to play an instrument to benefit from music?

Children don’t need to learn how to play an instrument to gain the benefits of music. Listening to music, singing, dancing and participating in musical activities can provide numerous benefits to children's development. However, learning how to play an instrument can give even more advantages, such as improving motor skills, coordination and cognitive abilities as outlined above.

3.How does music education impact children's academic performance?

Music education has been shown to impact children’s academic performance positively. Children who receive musical education tend to score higher in reading, math and other academic subjects compared to children who don't receive musical education. This is because music stimulates various parts of the brain, which leads to increased cognitive abilities and better academic performance.